
How Can Buildings Reduce Window Heat?

Published on : Dec 06,2023

What is Window Heat Transfer?

Window heat transfer is simply how heat is transferred to the inside of a building through its window. Heat is transferred through:

  • Conduction – Materials that conduct heat easily can significantly contribute to heat transfer. Window glass panels allow significant temperature changes on the opposite side of the window.                                                                           
  • Convection – Heat is also transferred through air circulation near the window. It creates currents that allows transmission.  
  • Radiation- The natural light coming through windows consist of various wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.  When light strikes objects and surfaces inside the building, it can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted. The absorbed sunlight causes heat transfer.

What are the most effective ways to reduce window heat?

Most effective ways to reduce heat transfer in commercial as well as residential spaces are:

  • Energy efficient windows – Energy efficient windows have Low-E coating and insulating gases between the panels to minimize heat transfer. Low-E coatings address heat transfer through radiation. They are almost invisible on glass surface and filter infrared radiation from sunlight entering the building.
  • Exterior shading –   Exterior shading involves creating a natural shade with strategic landscaping or installing awnings and exterior blinds to block the impact of direct sunlight.
  • Conventional Window Coverings – Most common way to reduce heat transfer is by blocking sunlight through use of indoor curtains, blinds, and shades.
  • Window films –   Sun control window films and Reflective window films are designed to serve various purposes and offer major benefits to users.  They significantly manage the amount of sunlight entering the building and reduce heat and glare. Solar films block certain percentage of UV rays and ultimately improve energy efficiency. They help in regulating temperature and protect the interior and occupants from ultraviolet rays disguised as sunlight.
  • Window designs - Modification of window designs, renovating window frames with good insulating properties, installing window quilts, and changing the orientation of windows during renovation or construction can reduce the direct impact of intense sunlight and manage heat loss and gain.
  • Smart windows- Smart windows are cutting edge window renovation solutions that can change colour, tint, or texture dynamically and adjust according to the external conditions in order to reduce heat transfer.

Heat Reduction by Window Shades vs. Window Film:

Window films are a cost-effective way to enhance aesthetics, privacy, safety & security. They are available in a wide range of alternatives to serve different purposes. Nearly invisible post application, these films are quite effective in heat reduction and UV blocking.   They also come with additional properties to enhance privacy or to add decorative twist to dull and boring plain glass panels.

Although window films may require professional installation and effectiveness may vary from quality.

Window Shades are a DIY solution that allow you to adjust the level of light and visibility as per requirement. They add a decorative twist to the interiors and are a barrier to block sunlight and reduce heat gain.

When compared to window films, shades do not offer additional safety, security in terms of holding shattered glass. They may also not filter out UV rays and can block natural light completely when closed.

How well does temperature control reduction film works?

Temperature control or heat reduction window films often have reflective properties to bounce back a significant portion of radiation and low emissivity to reduce transfer of heat. Overall, these films are the most cost-effective way to improve energy efficiency and enhance comfort indoors.  However, their effectiveness often depends on proper installation, local climate conditions, window orientation and insulation and most importantly the quality of the window film.

What Cosmo Sunshield offers?

Cosmo Sunshield is the new cutting edge, innovative and versatile window film solution that enhances privacy, increases safety, and adds a touch of elegance to all glass panels. It allows higher Window to Wall ratio, along with multiple benefits and lets you utilize maximum natural light, without having to think about increased energy consumption.  These window films are scratch resistant and can cut down UV rays by more than 99%.

Cosmo Sunshield is suitable for all weathers and can be applied on all types of flat glass used in façade, partitions & walls, doors, windows, and railings.

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